Barclays also has a Killingworth sub branch on Stephenson
Industrial Estate, on Blucher Road (closed 1969), and another called
Killingworth at Citadel West opened 1972, closed 1986. Although Martins’ Killingworth branch is
kept on at the expense of the Barclays office, it closes in 1978, and it is
the original Martins counter service at NORGAS House seems to have lasted
the longest - until 1995.

sub-Branch does look as if someone has erected a collection of mobile
classrooms on Samson Close. The interior
– as shown above in these great images from Barclays’ collection of Martins
photos, is just as you would expect from the Bank in 1967, fit for purpose
and as welcoming as a pre-fabricated building can be.

© Barclays Ref 0030-1489